(September 11, 2010): The American Hospital Association (AHA) has expressed its concern that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and its law enforcement partner, the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) may be overreaching in its use of the False Claims Act in kyphoplasty cases. As set out in the AHA’s letter dated September 7, 2010:
“The AHA is concerned that aggressive FCA investigations are being initiated upon the discovery of evidence of a mistake or overutilization, making FCA enforcement through negotiated “settlement” a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Citing a “kyphoplasty” initiative current being pursued by at least one U.S. Attorney’s Office, the AHA stated:
“. . . notwithstanding the fact that kyphoplasty claims have long been subject to changing and ambiguous regulations and guidelines, the kyphoplasty initiative appears to observers to rely on data mining to establish a presumption that hospitals are liable for “knowing” violations of the civil FCA and subject to treble damages and penalties. Targets of the initiative have received letters disconcertingly similar to letters written prior to the issuance of the original “Holder Memo” in 1998 (Guidance on the Use of False Claims Act in Civil Health Care Matters).” (emphasis added).
As the AHA noted, the threat of an FCA action, and its accompanying liability, forces hospitals to incur specialized legal counsel and outside forensic accountants in order to defend the hospital’s interests. As a result, some hospitals elect to settle the allegations rather than litigate the issues. In recent years, our law firm has noted a significant shift in the government’s reliance on data-mining in its development of administrative, civil and even criminal cases. We share the AHA’s concerns in the regard. The over-reliance on data mining in the targeting of defendants may lead to a presumption of guilt before any examination of the medical records and association documentation has occurred. Notably, Robert W. Liles, a Managing Partner at Liles Parker was instrumental in the drafting and implementation of the “Holder Memo.” A number of our attorneys have extensive experience working on False Claims Act cases.
A number of Liles Parker attorneys have extensive experience handling False Claims Act cases, including those brought under the Act's Qui Tam provisions (commonly referred to as its "whistleblower"provisions). Should you have questions regarding the False Claims Act, give us a call for a complimentary consultation. We can be reached at: 1 (800) 475-1906.