(May 15, 2012): Liles Parker continues to monitor the consolidation of current MAC Jurisdictions 4 & 7 into Jurisdiction H, which will include Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi and will be serviced by Novitas Solutions (formerly Highmark Medicare Services). Novitas has posted a number of important alerts and informative FAQs on the implementation process over the last several weeks, including the following:
All providers in new Jurisdiction H who are currently serviced by Pinnacle Business Solutions, Inc., Cahaba Government Benefits Administrators or TrailBlazer Health Enterprises will receive letters over the next few months requesting they submit a new CMS-588 EFT Authorization Agreement so that Novitas can continue issuing payments post-cutover. Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi Part A and Part B providers are first on Novitas’ implementation schedule and should receive their letters by May 16, 2012. Providers will have 30 days to respond to a request letter or they may experience delays in payment after their cut-over date. For full details, please see this notice published by Novitas.
All new, change of information, change of ownership and revalidation provider enrollment applications that are in process on a particular jurisdiction cut-over date will be transitioned to Novitas as of that date. Novitas will have an online tool for confirming the status of in process applications, and will issue further instructions for checking the status of a transitioned application in the near future. In addition, Novitas will take over all revalidation requests as of a jurisdiction’s particular cut-over date.
- All Part A and Part B providers will continue using the same CCN/PTAN and NPI numbers post-transition.
- Novitas will post all LCDs it intends to adopt for Jurisdiction H on June 28, 2012 to its website and to the Medicare Coverage Database. After a 45 day notice period, the LCDs will become effective as of the date a particular contractor’s workload transitions to Novitas.
A number of FAQs on EDI were posted that address the transition process.
Please check Novitas’ Jurisdiction H Transition web-page for additional details and updates. You can find the current schedule for cut-over dates and other useful information as well.

Liles Parker is a full service health law firm, providing provider enrollment and change of ownership assistance, administrative appeal of overpayments, and legal analysis and assistance with Medicare reimbursement issues. Should you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Papapanagiotou at (800)475-1906 for a free consultation.