(May 17, 2017): Exclusion screening-OIG screening duties are now more important than ever before! The recently issued Resource Guide for Measuring Compliance Program Effectiveness" a product of Office of Inspector General staff and compliance professionals roundtable discussions, reconfigures the traditional "Seven Elements of an Effective Compliance Program" by making the “Screening and Evaluation of Employees, Physicians, Vendors and other Agents” an element unto itself – or the new Seventh Element of Compliance! The Resource Guide, prepared under the auspices of the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA), serves to once again underscore the critical role of exclusion screening-OIG screening, and background checks in compliance.
Paul Weidenfeld, co-Counsel with Liles Parker, has recently assessed this important change and provided an overview of the impact this change for the folks at Exclusion Screening. For a detailed discussion of the statutory requirements of screening, the potential damages that may be assessed in the event of a violation AND your obligations as a provider participating in Medicare or Medicaid, we recommend you see the article on Exclusion Screening's website. This article may be accessed by clicking here.
Paul Weidenfeld is co-counsel with Liles Parker, Attorneys & Counselors at Law. Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable of your obligations under the law to conduct periodic " Exclusion Screening-OIG Screening" duties. For a free consultation, please call: 1 (800) 475-1906.