TAHCH Webinar
Vaccination Mandates
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

In July 2021, President Biden began rolling out vaccination mandates covering federal employees and contractors. At that time, President Biden also called on employers to implement their own vaccination mandates. Since that time, thousands of organizations around the country have taken steps to require their employees to be vaccinated if they work in the office. On November 21, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that employers with 100 or more employees would be required to ensure that their workers are either vaccinated for COVID-19 OR are being tested on a weekly basis. On this same date, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that health care workers at most facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid must be fully vaccinated. The CMS mandate covers more than 17 million health care workers and approximately 76,000 health care facilities. Affected health care workers must meet CMS’s new COVID-19 vaccination requirements by January 4, 2022. Notably, CMS’s vaccination mandate applies to 15 types of providers and suppliers, two of which include home health providers and hospices. In recent weeks, State Attorney Generals in 22 states have filed federal cases in Missouri, Louisiana, Florida and Texas, challenging the mandate. A Federal District Court in Missouri has preliminarily blocked the mandate in 10 states and a Federal District Court in Louisiana has blocked the mandate in the rest of the country. What should your home health and hospice do? Join attorney Jennifer Papapanagiotou for a discussion of these ever-changing requirements. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Reading the Tea Leaves – What are the Top Risks Your Practice and/or Third-Party Billing Company Will Face in 2022?
Wednesday, January 11, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and risks facing your practice and/or third-party billing company in the upcoming year. What are the chances that your organization will be audited? What are the administrative enforcement remedies currently being pursued by Zone Program Integrity Contractors? How should your organization respond? In this webinar, attorneys Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Leonard Schneider will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Value-Based Purchasing – Where Does Your Home Health Agency or Hospice Fit in Delivery System Reform
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Value-based payments (VBP) and alternative payment methodologies (APMs) are becoming more prevalent both in the public programs and private insurance. Additionally, the HHS has recently published new safe harbors that directly affect these payment mechanisms. The session will discuss some of the various VBPs and APMs that may affect home health agencies and hospices, the new safe harbors related to these payment mechanisms, how you can participate, and the pitfalls of which to be aware. Join attorneys Michael Cook and Heidi Kocher as they discuss these important developments.
AMBA Webinar
Vaccination Mandates
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST

In July 2021, President Biden began rolling out vaccination mandates covering federal employees and contractors. At that time, President Biden also called on employers to implement their own vaccination mandates. Since that time, thousands of organizations around the country have taken steps to require their employees to be vaccinated if they work in the office. On November 21, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that employers with 100 or more employees would be required to ensure that their workers are either vaccinated for COVID-19 OR are being tested on a weekly basis. On this same date, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that health care workers at most facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid must be fully vaccinated. The CMS mandate covers more than 17 million health care workers and approximately 76,000 health care facilities. Affected health care workers must meet CMS’s new COVID-19 vaccination requirements by January 4, 2022. In recent weeks, State Attorney Generals in 22 states have filed federal cases in Missouri, Louisiana, Florida and Texas, challenging the mandate. A Federal District Court in Missouri has preliminarily blocked the mandate in 10 states and a Federal District Court in Louisiana has blocked the mandate in the rest of the country. What should your billing company and / or physician practice do? Join attorney Jennifer Papapanagiotou for a discussion of these ever-changing requirements. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Avoiding Criminal Liability – Views from a Former Federal Prosecutor
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST

John Pierce served as a federal prosecutor in three different U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country. He also served on the Attorney General’s Advocacy Committee for Health Care Fraud. After leaving the DOJ, Mr. Pierce has represented a wide variety of health care providers and suppliers around the country in criminal health care fraud investigations and prosecutions. During this session, Mr. Pierce will discuss the current criminal risk areas facing third-party companies, owners and staff, along with the physician practice for whom they work. He will discuss recent prosecutions by the government and cover steps that you can take to reduce your level of risk. Join John Pierce and moderator Robert Liles as they discuss the current criminal enforcement landscape facing your billing company and / or physician practice. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Responding to a Potential Privacy or Security Breach --- Internal and External Strategies
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Over the last year, the HHS Office of Civil Rights has aggressively pursued and publicized alleged HIPAA breach violations and the alleged failure of health care providers to meet their patient “Right of Access” obligations. The penalties assessed have been significant and the collateral damage to an organization’s reputation can be long-lasting. In this session, we will discuss these timely enforcement issues and cover ways that your home health or hospice agency can reduce its level of risk. Join attorneys Regina Morano and Michael Cook for a discussion on these costly enforcement actions. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Are you in the market to buy or sell your agency? What are the various concerns you need to address when engaging in this type of business transaction? What steps can you take to reduce your level of risk? Join attorneys Heidi Kocher and Jennifer Papapanagiotou as they discuss these important issues. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST

In December 2020, the “No Surprises Act” was signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. Since being passed, this legislation has been misinterpreted and incorrectly applied by providers. In this session, attorneys Michael Cook and Heidi Kocher will cover the highlights of the legislation and address practical problems that have arisen at the practice level. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Effective September 2021, Target, probe and Educate (TPE) audits were reimplemented by most Medicare Administrative Contractors around the country. TPE audits are merely the latest iteration of prepayment reviews being conducted by CMS contractors. While the government has placed some restrictions on their use, contractors continue to exercise great latitude in their scope and the length that they are imposed. Similarly, contractors remain in control of postpayment audits conducted and suspension actions recommended to CMS. In this webinar, attorneys Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Lester Johnson will discuss these enforcement actions and outline the adverse impact each action can have on your home health or hospice agency. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST
TAHCH Webinar
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

At the outset, it is important to keep in mind that there are significant differences between the OIG Exclusion List and the CMS Preclusion List. During this session, we will discuss your obligations, as a Medicare home health or hospice provider, to ensure that your employees, agents, contractors, and vendors have not been excluded from participation in federal health care programs. We will also discuss the impact of the CMS Preclusion List on your employment and contracting practices. Both OIG and CMS contractors are actively on the lookout for violations. In this webinar, attorneys Paul Weidenfeld and Robert W. Liles will discuss the importance of exclusion screening, how to screen and which exact databases must be screened – according to both federal and state regulations, how often and which individuals and entities must be screened, and how providers must document their exclusion screening efforts in order to comply with the law. We will also go over the purpose and nature of the CMS Preclusion List. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q and A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Despite your best efforts, regulatory violations are likely to still occur. Nevertheless, there are a number of steps you can take that can significantly improve your billing company and / or physician practice’s regulatory compliance. Attorneys Regina Morano and Michael Cook will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk through the successful enhancement of your compliance program. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

The move to value-based payments has been increasing since the enactment of the ACA in 2010. These developments turned the enforcement of the AKB and Stark on its head, often requiring individual waivers in these programs, and failing to accommodate programs that the public programs would encourage. To account for these changes and the dramatic movement away from volume and towards value and alternative payment mechanisms, in December 2020, CMS and OIG published a new set of safe harbors to the AKB and exceptions to Stark. These changes are highly technical in nature, but absolutely critical for home health agencies and hospices to understand if the wish to play in this venue – especially with the upcoming implementation of the Medicare VBP demonstration project nationwide and expansion of VBPs and alternative payment systems by other payors. Join Michael Cook and Heidi Kocher as they describe the new safe harbors and exceptions and demystify them so that the attendees will understand both the need and how to comply with them and participate safely in these programs.
TAHCH Webinar
Avoiding Criminal Liability – Views from a Former Federal Prosecutor
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

John Pierce served as a federal prosecutor in three different U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country. He also served on the Attorney General’s Advocacy Committee for Health Care Fraud. After leaving the DOJ, Mr. Pierce has represented a wide variety of health care providers and suppliers around the country in criminal health care fraud investigations and prosecutions. During this session, Mr. Pierce will discuss the current criminal risk areas facing home health and hospice agency owners and staff. He will discuss recent prosecutions by the government and cover steps that you can take to reduce your level of risk. Join John Pierce and moderator Robert Liles as they discuss the current criminal enforcement landscape facing your agency. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
9:00am PST, 11:00am CST, 12:00pm EST
TAHCH Webinar
Preventing the Revocation of Your Home Health or Hospice Agency from the Medicare Program - Tips on Avoiding an Adverse Action and on Responding to Such an Event
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Two years ago, the number of reasons that CMS can cite when revoking a Medicare provider’s billing privileges was greatly expanded. Since that time, CMS contractors have been aggressively revoking providers on a near-constant basis. How can your agency avoid being revoked? How should your agency respond if your billing privileges are terminated or revoked? What impact can these actions have on a home health or hospice agency? In this webinar, attorneys Jennifer Papapanagiotou and Ashley Morgan will discuss the current revocation actions being pursued by the government how your agency can reduce its risk of being subjected to such an adverse action. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q and A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has released guidance regarding how health care providers participating in Medicare and / or. In this webinar, attorneys Paul Weidenfeld and Robert W. Liles will discuss the importance of exclusion screening, how to screen and which exact databases must be screened – according to both federal and state regulations, how often and which employees providers must screen, and how providers must document their exclusion screening efforts in order to comply with the law. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q and A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Medicare Telehealth and Telecommunications Technology in Home Health and Hospice
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has now been with us for two years and isn’t expected to fade away any time soon. In the wake of COVID-19, CMS has taken a number of steps to make it easier for patients to be treated remotely, using telehealth. Many home health and hospice agencies have expressed interest in this treatment approach and are still evaluating whether or not to implement its use in their agency. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of confusion with regard to the use of telehealth when providing home health or hospice care. During this webinar, we will try to address a number of your questions in this regard. Join attorneys Ashley Morgan and Jennifer Papapanagiotou for a discussion of the current home health and hospice telehealth environment and the risks that your agency may face should you choose to employ this type of care. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Third-Party Billing Agreements – Is Your Contract Protecting Your Interests?
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST

Unfortunately, most third-party billing company agreements with physicians have either been copied off of the internet or modeled off of a general “service” contract. Neither of these approaches protects your company! During this webinar, we will discuss many of the pitfalls of using a poorly written billing agreement. We will also discuss how you can incorporate compliance into your agreement, thereby making it easier to protect yourself (and your physicians) by periodically auditing your client’s charts to ensure that their billings are properly documented and support medical necessity. In this webinar, attorney Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 will discuss the importance of having a sound contract in place. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Workplace Violence in Home Care – Protecting Your Patients and Staff
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Researchers have found “violence against health care workers accounted for nearly as many injuries as in all other industries combined, which is four times greater than the average U.S. worker.” In this session, we will discuss the current workplace violence risks facing you, your staff and your patients. Attorneys Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Lester Johnson will cover strategies for responding to incidents of workplace violence. Participants will learn about the prevalence of workplace violence incidents in health care, about the typical profile of a perpetrator of health care violence, and about the importance of staff training regarding workplace violence prevention. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Denial Management: Strategies and Processes
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST
TAHCH Webinar
Building From Baseline -- Practical Advice for Strengthening Your In-House Home Health or Hospice Compliance Program
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Despite your best efforts, regulatory violations are likely to still occur. Nevertheless, there are a number of steps you can take that can significantly improve your home health and hospice agency’s compliance. Attorneys Regina Morano and Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk through the successful enhancement of your compliance program. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST
oin us as Tom Collinson, Chief Legal Officer for RXNT, and Robert Liles, Liles Parker discuss the benefits and risks of using EHR systems that have primarily been developed by programmers with minimal input from clinicians, coders, and billers who are responsible for ensuring that services performed and recorded are factually accurate and fully comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.They will also discuss administrative, civil, and criminal cases that have been brought based on false or fraudulent information entered into EHRs and risks to doctors. Additionally, they will talk about issues identified by auditors and how those issues could have been avoided. And finally, Tom will discuss updates regarding the use of EHRs. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
TAHCH Webinar
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
1 p.m. EST / Noon CST / 10:00 a.m. PST

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and risks facing your home health agency and / or hospice in the upcoming year. What are the chances that your agency will be audited? What are the administrative enforcement remedies currently being pursued by CMS program integrity contractors? How should your agency respond? In this webinar, attorneys Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Leonard Schneider will discuss ways your agency can reduce its level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
AMBA Webinar
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
12:00 Noon EST / 11:00 a.m. CST / 9:00 a.m. PST

Join us as we discuss the likely challenges and risks facing your practice and / or third-party billing company in the upcoming year. What are the chances that your organization will be audited? What are the administrative enforcement remedies currently being pursued by Zone Program Integrity Contractors? How should your organization respond? In this webinar, attorneys Richard Pecore – In Memoriam 2024 and Leonard Schneider will discuss ways your organization can reduce its level of risk. This webinar is scheduled for 60 minutes with a Q & A session to follow.
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